Sound Factory
A duo of musicians pluck, strum, scrape and bang on some of the most curious instruments with infinite acoustic possibilities: the Baschet sound sculptures.
Improvising playfully, the performers and the audience go down some really wild and inspired musical avenues together.
An interactive work where everyone can share in this dynamic, refreshing, unique and innovative experience.
Workshops available with the program La Culture à l’école.
Interpreted by
Technical Requirements
50 minutes
English, French
9 to 12 years old
2 percussions
Creative Team
Creators of the sound sculptures
Costume designer
Geneviève Asselin
Jean Derome
Lorena Corradi
Merlin Ettore
Reggi Ettore
Christiane Duchesne
Stage direction
Éric Saint-Jean
Artistic direction
Lorena Corradi
Reggi Ettore
François & Bernard Baschet
creators of the sound sculptures
As the title implies ’Sculpture Sonores’ is the name given to a large collection of original instruments by the French inventors Francois and Bernard Baschet, who from 1952 pioneered for nearly 50 years a completely new way of combining sculpture and sound.
Some small, some over 20 feet high and incorporating glass rods, metal cones, wires’, plastic inflatable resonators, and many other devices, these fascinating structures are not only cosmetically entracing, but produce an incredible range of sounds and varied sonic textures.
Some, such as the recent ’Cristal’ have evolved into extremely sophisticated fully chromatic musical instruments that are just as practical to use as their traditional counterparts, and are regularly used for performances of anything from Bach to Jazz, and a massive range of contemporary music.
Geneviève Asselin
costume and set design
Following her studies in theatre and visual arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Geneviève Asselin has worked on numerous theatre and opera productions, doing makeup and creating accessories, puppets, and set designs.
Christiane Duchesne
In addition to being a scriptwriter, translator, and editor, Christiane Duchesne is also an illustrator and writer. Duchesne, always stimulated by adventure and discovery, loves children, as well as travelling and writing.
Her love of adventure, curious nature and joy of living are reflected in her stories for young people, which give pleasure again and again.
Several of her books have received literary awards, and some have been translated into English. The author herself has translated over 300 books.
Jean Derome
Jean Derome is a cofounder of the Ambiances Magnétiques record label, and one of the most active and provocative members involved in the many creative music movements of Montreal.
As an accomplished musician, composer, interpreter, instrumentalist (actually, a multi-instrumentalist) and improvisor, he has been working to enlarge the boundaries of music for more than thirty years.
Eric Saint-Jean
stage director
The Sound Factory is Éric Saint-Jean’s first collaboration with l’Arsenal à musique. He has a B.A. in criticism and dramaturgy from the Université du Québec à Montréal and completed his master’s degree in directing under Martine Beaulne in 2003. He works regularly with many theatre companies and also teaches drama.